Publication list

  • The Hierarchical Barycenter: Conditional Probability Simulation with Structured and Unobserved Covariates, with Esteban G Tabak and Giulio Trigila, in preparation.

  • Data-driven Continuation of Patterns and their Bifurcations, with Sam Maffa and Bjorn Sandstede, in preparation. (poster)

  • Adaptive Kernel Conditional Density Estimation, with Esteban G Tabak, in revision at Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA.

  • The Conditional Barycenter Problem, its Data-Driven Formulation and its Solution through Normalizing Flows, with Esteban G Tabak and Giulio Trigila, accepted at Communications in Mathematical Sciences.

  • A Memory-efficient Neural ODE Framework Based on High-level Adjoint Differentiation, with Hong Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (2022).

  • Distributional barycenter problem through data-driven flows, with Esteban G Tabak and Giulio Trigila, Pattern Recognition (2022).

  • Sample-based Optimal Transport in Statistical Data analysis, PhD thesis.

  • Conditional density estimation and simulation through optimal transport, with Esteban G Tabak and Giulio Trigila, Machine Learning (2020).

  • Data Driven Conditional Optimal Transport, with Esteban G Tabak and Giulio Trigila, 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) OTML Workshop (2019). (Extended version in Machine Learning (2021)) (poster)